Dive In Movie: Bugs Life

We will be holding our event at our Outdoor Rec Pool. We have a water slide, diving boards, and a splash pad! 

The pool opens at 1pm.

Hotdogs, popcorn and nachos will be sold along with other snacks and drinks! 

AT DARK, the MAIN EVENT starts! While you are floating in our pool, you will be enjoying the movie Bug's Life which will be playing on our blow up screen! 

Bring friends and family! If you are a member, its free entrance. If you do not have a membership, it is $5 per person or $20 per family!



August 28, 2015 at 6:00pm - 10pm
Dive In Movie
16511 Diana Ln
Houston, TX 77062
United States
Google map and directions
shameka white Lindsay Kirkendall Hannah Cheng Chelsea Carroll

Who's RSVPing

shameka white
Lindsay Kirkendall
Hannah Cheng
Chelsea Carroll

Will you come?

Property Owner Assessment

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