Standing Committees
Chair | Alternate Chair | Member | Advisor | Advisor | Advisor |
Mr. Garriga | Ms. Rizzi | Mr. Wallace | Mr. Cook - OB | Mr. Henehan - CM | Ms. Eaton - MG |
*Budget & Finance
Chair | Alternate Chair | Member | Member | Advisor |
Ms. Stroud-CS | Mr. Canup-OW | Mr. Henehan-CM |
Bylaws/ Policies
Chair | Alernate Chair | Member | Member | Advisor |
Ms. Canup - OW | Ms. Taylor - MG | Mr. Kuhl - OB |
Chair | Alternate Chair | Member | Member | Advisor |
Ms. Coblentz - CS | Ms. Eaton - MG | Mr. Kuhl - OB |
Chair | Alternate Chair | Member | Member | Advisor |
Mr. Kuhl - CS | Mr. Martin - MG | Ms. Eaton - MG |
(Develop Long Range Plan)
Chair | Alternate Chair | Member | Member | Advisor |
Mr. Cook -OB | Mr. Kuhl-OB | Mr. Martin -MG |
Chair | Alternate Chair | Member | Member | Advisor |
Mr. Cook - OB | Mr. Canup -OW | Ms. Stroud - CS |
Special Committees
(Revision of Restrictive Covenants)
Chair | Alternate Chair | Member | Member | |
Mr. Cook -OB | Ms. Coblentz-CS | Ms. Eaton - MG | Ms. Taylor - OW |
(Revision of Founding Documents)
Chair | Alternate Chair | Member | Member | Advisor |
Mr. Cook -OB | Mr. Canup - OW | Ms. Coblentz-CS | Mr. Martin-MG | Ms. Rizzi |
CLCCA Representative
(2nd Wednesday) Board Room 6:30pm
Primary | Back-Up |
Mr. Canup - OW | Mr. Martin - MG |
CLCWA (2nd Thursday)
Primary | Back-Up |
Ms. Coblentz-CS | Ms. Eaton-MG |
Super Neighborhood
Primary | Back-Up |
Mr. Cook - OB | Mr. Canup - OW |
HPD PIP Meeting
(3rd Tuesday) 11800 Astoria Blvd
Primary | Back-Up |
Ms. Taylor - MG | Mr. Kuhl-OB |
ACLC - Association Clear Lake Communities
PIP - Positive Interaction Program
CM - Commercial
CS - Camino South
MG - Meadowgreen
OB - Oakbrook
OW- Oakbrook West
* Restricted to Trustees Only
Architectural Review Committee
This committee is charged with assuring compliance of residential and commercial deed restrictions and the commercial guidelines as it may pertain to the modification or addition of signage or landscaping to the exterior of any property located within the jurisdiction of the Clear Lake City Communication Association.
Budget and Finance Committee
The Budget and Finance Committee shall request, make recommendations and send the Clear Lake City Community Association, Inc. (CLCCA) the annual budget to the board for approval, hire the CPA and support the CLCCA annual audit and make recommendations regarding CLCCA financial procedures and policies.
Bylaws and Policy Committee
The Bylaws/Policies Committee takes a proactive approach to ensure the CLCCA board maintains, changes, and or creates Bylaws and Policies that are:
Internally consistent,
Within the scope and purpose of the CLCCA, and
In conformity with the laws and statues of the State of Texas.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee shall facilitate communications between the Clear Lake City Community Association (CLCCCA), the property owners within the CLCCA, and the media.
Elections Committee
The Election Committee shall oversee the annual election, including the hiring of Election Judges. The Committee will recommend the rate of pay for the election judge and clerk to be approved by the Board. To preserve the integrity of the ballot and elections process, qualified election judges and clerks shall be completely independent of the CLCCA. The election judge and clerk shall not be a CLCCA employee, Trustee, or immediate family member of an employee or Trustee as defined in the Policy 408-06 Nepotism.
Facilities, Parks, Recreation, Committee
Provide guidance to the Clear Lake City Community Association (CLCCA) Board of Trustees on budgets and plans for facilities, parks and recreation.
Steward the execution of the budgets and plans adopted by CLCCA Board of Trustees for all parks, recreational facilities and activities.
Personnel Committee
The interface between CLCCA Staff and the Board of Trustees when there are staff personnel difficulties that cannot be resolved by the General Manager or there is a Trustee to Staff conflict that needs to be resolved.