What are the CC&Rs?


The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation. The CC&Rs were recorded by the County recorder's office of the County in which the property is located and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the CC&Rs may result in a fine to a property owner by the Association. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online throughout our About and Resident Resource tabs. 

What is 311?


311 is the main source of government information and non-emergency services. This section of the website aims to answer the most frequently asked questions and to direct you to relevant resources.

What are the Bylaws?



The Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Trustees, the terms of the Trustees, the property owner's voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. The Bylaws for the association may be viewed online within the Bylaws & Policies page of this site.

How do I find a towed vehicle?


If your vehicle has been towed you can call 311 for more information. 



CLCCA is not directly associated with the trash pick up system around the Clear Lake area. The City of Houston takes charge of the trash pick up system in our area. ALL questions regarding the picking up of debris, tree limbs, and junk will be answered by calling 311. If you need a trash schedule, 311 will also direct you. http://www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste/treewaste.html

What is the Board of Trustees?


The Property Owner's Association is a corporation and therefore a governing body that is required to oversee its business. The Board of Trustees is elected by the Property Owners, or as otherwise specified in the bylaws. The limitations and restrictions of the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees are outlined on the Board of Trustees page of this site.

Who do I contact about a broken street light?


If a street light fails to turn on multiple times and the problem has not been fixed, the City of Houston should be contacted by dialing 311.

Are there any other rules?



Most associations have developed Rules and Regulations as provided for in the CC&Rs and adopted by the Board of Trustees. Rules are established to provide direction to the homeowners for common courtesies with regard to parking, vehicles, pets and pool use hours, etc. In addition, your Association will adopt Architectural Guidelines with procedures for submitting requests to make exterior changes to your home. Such changes may include patio covers, decks, landscaping, exterior color changes or extensive interior changes and additions. These rules and guidelines are set up to maintain the aesthetic value and integrity of the community on behalf of all owners, and hopefully protect the market value of your investment as well. Violations of these rules may result in action by the Board of Trustees. In addition, if you proceed with an exterior improvement or change, without written approval of the Board of Trustees, or Architectural Committee, as applicable, you will be required to remove or correct the alteration and/or be fined for the violation. 

If I am having a problem with a neighbor for a violation of the Policies and Guidelines, what can I do?


If residents cannot resolve a situation between themselves, then turn to your Association. Should you have a situation that does not appear to be resolved through neighborly means, and you are willing to actively participate in the enforcement provided by the Policies and Guidelines, you may complete a Complaint Form online. If the situation is deemed in violation of the Policies and Guidelines, the Board of Trustees will institute the enforcement policy. Your continued assistance may be required.

What are the rules about cars parked infront of my property?


If a vehicle is parked in front of your house for 24 hours or more, you are able to dial 311 and have the vehicle towed. 

Are Board Meetings open to all residents?


Yes. Upcoming meetings will be posted under our News page. BOT meetings take place at 7 pm in the B Room, next to our office at 16511 Diana Lane.  

How do I report dangerous road conditions?


You should call 311 if you see a pothole, debris in road, stop light outage, a blocked stop sign, a buckled street, damaged manhole, or anything in this nature.

If I want to serve on a committee, how do I find out information?


The Contact page of this website will inform you of the status of current committees organized and committee contact information. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here

How do I report health hazards?


Dial 311 if you feel there is a Health Hazard in our area. This could include but is not limited to an unmaintained pool, trash accumulation, and  sewer back ups. 

Property Owner Assessment

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