Indoor Pool Hours Open to Public

Monday - Friday : 6:00am - 12:00pm, 4:00pm - 8:00pm

           *closed 12:00 - 4:00 for sanitation*

Saturday :  12pm - 6pm 

Sunday : 12pm - 6pm

There will be TWO Lap Lanes open during Aqua Aerobics classes.

*Aquatic Class times are M/W/F  9-11:00AM*

*Aquatic Class times are T/Th 8-9AM*

*Aquatic Class times are T/Th 7-8 PM*


Class members, please get with your instructor for specific class instructions and details.


Each swimmer has ½ of a lane. You can continuously swim without stopping in your side of the lane, including when the other swimmer is resting at the wall.

However, if you need to rest and the other swimmer is resting or transitioning from the pool, please rest at the marked spots. Two swimmers should not congregate at the wall and we want appropriate social distancing while standing in the pool.

We have placed markers on the lane lines to give appropriate distancing markers if you would like to rest or exit the pool when another swimmer is resting at the shallow end wall.

  • Swimmers are welcome to rest on opposite sides of the pool if they are able.
  • Please be sure to wait to enter the pool until your lane partner is aware that you are entering the pool to avoid collisions.


16511 Diana Lane Houston, TX 77062


  1. Keep off life lines and lane lines.
  2. No Children under 14 unaccompanied by an adult.
  3. No diving in water under 9 feet.
  4. Pushing, dunking, and rough play are prohibited.
  5. No glass containers allowed only plastic containers, plastic toys, plastic goggles, are allowed in the pool, observation deck, and lockers/shower areas.
  6. Use ladders only for getting in or out of the water.
  7. Only one swimmer on the ladder at a time.
  8. No Running.
  9. Patrons may not adjust the lane line equipment themselves.
  10. Kick boards are not to be used for toys, only for class time.


Pool Rental Information


Available for rental all year (Closed on holidays).

All of our pools are available to rent when they are closed to the public. $200 deposit and 2 hour minimum on all rentals. For more information call 281-488-0360.

Monday-Friday: 12pm - 4:00pm
8am - 12pm and 6pm - 10pm
Sundays: 8am - 2pm and 6pm - 10pm

# of Guests Hourly Fee # of Lifeguards
50 or less $145 2
50-100 $190 3
101-125 $235 4




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