Storm Debris Pick-Up & Shared Fences


Residents can report storm debris pickup to Houston 311 or contact the Houston Solid Waste Department at [email protected]


Please be advised that fences that are shared between neighbors are typically the responsibility of both neighbors.  If repair or maintenance is needed on such shared fences, it is up to the parties to determine how to split the costs of the repairs.  If one party refuses to pay, then the other party may choose to make the repairs themselves and seek reimbursement from the other party, either personally or through small claims court, etc.  This is typically a neighbor-to-neighbor issue which does not involve the HOA. (Disclaimer: This is the general rule of thumb, so we encourage each homeowner to seek their own personal legal advice regarding their individual situation.)

If you are needing to install a new fence that is different in height, material or color, residents are required to obtain approval from the Architectural Review Committee.  Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month.  Applications can be found on the website on the "Forms" tab.

CLICK HERE to view the General POA Guidelines explaining fencing.

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